Word lid van jouw Personeelsvereniging



De Motor Toer Club (MTC) is een gezellige club Rabo'ers die het leuk vinden met alles wat met motoren en motorrijden te maken heeft. Het soort leden varieert van gewoon geïnteresseerden tot absolute motorgekken.  

De MTC is een sectie binnen de Personeelsvereniging Rabobank afdeling Utrecht en bestaat uit ca. 30 leden. Deze leden zijn verdeeld over de afdelingen Noord (Utrecht) en Zuid (Eindhoven en Best). Voor zover mogelijk worden de activiteiten van beide afdelingen samen gedaan.

Het organiseren van één- en meerdaagse recreatieve toerritten, het met elkaar in contact brengen van gelijk geïnteresseerden, het verhogen van de rijvaardigheid, het verbreden van de kennis over motorrijden en de motor zelf en het verspreiden en uitwisselen van informatie over motoren in de meest breedste zin van het woord. 

Het doel zal duidelijk zijn: als je eenmaal besmet bent met het motorvirus, dan zijn dit de dingen die je op z'n minst aanspreken. Overigens is het nadrukkelijk de bedoeling dat het gaat om het plezier voor ieder lid. Sleutelwoorden zijn bij ons dan ook gezelligheid en ongedwongenheid.

Als doelgroep gelden alle motorrijdende medewerk(st)ers binnen de vestigingen Utrecht, 's-Hertogenbosch, Best en Eindhoven van Rabobank Nederland en Rabobank WR en Rural, alsmede aspirant motorrijd(st)ers, die middels deelname aan de club nader kennis willen maken met het fenomeen motorrijden. Een voorwaarde is dat je lid bent van een van beide personeelsverenigingen van Rabobank Nederland.

Mocht je geïnteresseerd zijn, maar je beschikt (nog) niet over het motorrijbewijs, dan kun je toch lid worden. Wil je mee op een toertocht, dan is er altijd ergens een plekje op een buddyseat vrij. Heb je een rijbewijs, maar geen motor, kun je overwegen om eens een motor te huren.

Het lidmaatschap van de MTC kost € 12,50 per jaar. Als voorwaarde wordt gesteld dat je in vast dienstverband werkt bij de Rabobank en lid bent van de Personeelsvereniging afdeling Utrecht of afdeling Eindhoven.

Wil je graag lid worden van de MTC, maar je bent nog geen lid van de Personeelsvereniging afdeling Utrecht of Eindhoven? Meld je dan eerst aan bij de Personeelsvereniging volgens de informatie op de site onder tab Voorpagina op deze site.  

Ben je lid van de Personeelsvereniging of word je lidmaatschap door de Personeelsvereniging verwerkt? Meld je aan bij de MTC door een mail te sturen naar het e-mailadres van de MTC.  Per mail ontvang je een inschrijfformulier en het huishoudelijke reglement van de MTC.  


Gert Heidema
Gert Heidema Voorzitter
Nelleke Boers
Nelleke Boers Penningmeester
Armand Lagerweij
Armand Lagerweij Secretaris


Excercise at work? The gym offers that possibility and has a varied number of fitness equipment and materials.  Are you interested? Log-in as a member on this site. Fill in the registration form (Dutch or English) and send it to: rabofitness@rabobank.com. 
If you are no member of the ‘Personeelsvereniging’, please sent an e-mail to: rabofitness@rabobank.com

UC-B-027 - Fitness Room
UC-B-024 - Vitality Room

Sign Up
You can register throughout the year and you only pay from the month you register. Registration applies for the entire calendar year. Payment takes place via direct debit. 
Complete the registration form, sign the form, scan it and send it to: rabofitness@rabobank.com

Pay attention! You will only be given access to the Fitness room after the membership fee has been paid. Your badge will then be authorized for the room. This can take a few days. Therefore fill in your badge number when you register. This is the number on the bottom left of your smart card.
Sign out
Anyone who wants to stop exercising can do so at any time. You can cancel the membership by sending an email to: rabofitness@rabobank.com. Refund of the remaining amount is not possible.

Depreciation contribution
The debit is debited once a year via direct debit at the beginning of the calendar year. If you become a member during the year, the membership fee will be deducted pro rata per whole calendar month.

Cost per year
Independent training (members of the Personeelsvereniging) € 85.00 per year.
Independent training (non-members Personeelsvereniging) € 110.00 per year.

Opening hours:
The fitness room is accessible on weekdays from 7 am to 8.00 pm.
For reasons of safety, the fitness room can't be used outside opening hours. 
The gym may only be used by members of Rabo Fitness. Access via the badge.

Independently train on the devices
Free access during opening hours.

Mail: rabofitness@rabobank.com
Time table group lessons
Below group lessons will be served. 
There is a maximum of 12 participants for the High Intensity Circuit Training.

12 - 1 PM
PilatesMarianna CzeneVitality Room
1 - 2 PM
KickboxingDaniela TorodovaVitality Room

Reservation mandatory 
via this link
For hygienic reasons bandages or 
gel handwraps are mandatory when borrowing our gloves.
You can buy bandages 

(€ 9,99) or gel hand-
wraps (€ 14,99) from
the teacher.

12 - 1 PM
Yoga (Vinyasa / Hatha)Nivida
Vitality Room
English spoken
Reservation mandatory 
via this link
5.30-6.30 PM
BodyshapeInge van LaarVitality Room
Please send your phonenumber to the trainer the first time 
you want to join the lesson, so you can be added to the Whats-
app-group of Bodyshape. 
12 - 1 PM
Yoga (Yin/Hatha)Mirjam MeeuwsenVitality Room
via this link
12 - 1 PM
Questions & InstructionsInge van LaarFitness Room
1 - 2 PM
High Intensity
Circuit Training
Inge van LaarFitness Room

Bodyshape is a total body workout to the best beats where you will just use your own body weight, but also dumbells, steps and elastics. One 60-minute class will cover all of the muscle groups. Everything you need to reach your goals! Shape makes sure that you will achieve that perfectly shaped body. Take a Bodyshape class and become the best version of yourself.

How do you find the right balance between training hard and letting your body rest? Yoga is about the balance between body and mind. Yoga offers exercises for strength, flexbility, relaxation and provides a lot of attention to breathing.
This yoga combines ancient wisdom with modern beats and makes that you go home completely zen after 60 minutes.

High Intensity Circuit Training
High intensity circuit training is a strength and conditioning workout that is made up of functional movement performed at a high intensity level. These movements are actions that you perform in your day-to-day life, like squatting, pulling, pushing etc. Many workouts feature variations of squats, push-ups, and weight- lifting that last for predetermined amounts of time to help build muscles. Your result: A strong body!

Pilates is a type of mind-body exercise developed in the early 20th century by German physical trainer Joseph Pilates, after whom it was named. It is practiced worldwide, especially in countries such as Australia, Canada, South Korea, the United States and the United Kingdom. Pilates uses a combination of around 50 repetitive exercises to spur muscle exertion. Each exercise flows from the "five essentials": breath, cervical alignment, rib and scapular stabilization, pelvic mobility, and utilization of the transverses abdomens. Each exercise is typically repeated three to five times. As of 2023, over 12 million people practice Pilates.

Kickboxing is a full-contact combat sport and a form of boxing based on punching and kicking. Kickboxing is practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or for competition. In the training you will learn different techniques, like: Punching, kicking, knee and defense.

Board Rabo Fitness:

House rules
Bring your own:
Bottle of water, towel, T-shirt, shorts, clean sports shoes.

Use appliances and attributes
The following rules apply to the use of equipment and training materials:

• Use of a towel is mandatory!
• Clean devices after use with the appropriate cleaning spray and paper roll.
• Small appliances (such as benches and dumbbells) should be placed back on the side of the room after use, in the appropriate place! 
• Large appliances must remain in the designated area!
• Small loose training materials, such as dumbels, kettlebels, discs, etc., put back / placed on the racks that are intended for this.
• Put back the mats, steps, rope, boxing gloves, etc. after use.

Talk to colleagues if they do not clean up the materials they use! That's the only way to ensure that the room stays tidy.

Shower and changing room
The shower and changing room is used by commuters, participants in the fitness program and security staff. Together we can ensure that these spaces remain hygienic, clean and tidy.
• After using the shower, dry the floor with the floor cleaner.
• Let towel dry? Hang it on the towel rack next to the heater.
• Throw waste into the waste bin.
• Do not leave anything on and under the cupboards and lockers. The cleaning team can't perform its work properly.
• It is a regular occurrence that linen and clothing are not taken along. Items that are longer in the room are deposited in the laundry basket and stored for one month. Leftover linen and usable clothing is then offered to a clothing collector
• A locker in the changing room you can apply for (if needed) by Facility Portal.
(Organizing things yourself (change the language if you want  in English via 'Instellingen'  or go further with Melding maken | Trefwoorden: Aanvragen toegang locker en/of kleedkamer).
Equipment Rabo Fitness
Rabo Fitness has a very complete Fitness equipment, just like a professional gym.
A small list of our training materials:
- 2 Rowing machines
- 2 Cross trainers
- 2 Spinning bikes
- 2 treadmills
- 1 Pec-Rear Deltmachine
- 1 Legpress
- 1 Goliath
- Multiple abdominal muscle benches
- Equipment for death lifting
- 3 cages
- Boxing equipment
- Beastmaker Trainingsbord 1000 series
- Dynabands
- Jumpboxes
- Kettlebells
- Slamballs
- Medicine balls
- Skipping ropes
- Lots of weights in all sizes


Rabo Fitness sportswear
For sport on the job, you will go to Rabo Fitness. How nice would it be to do this in sportswear of Rabo Fitness? 
Show you are a member of Rabo Fitness! 
We have great sportswear with the Rabo Fitness logo. You can choose from below options:

Sportshirt (male/female)Blue / Grey (only for men) / White€ 17,00
Capuchonvest (unisex)Blue / Grey / White€ 36,00
Capuchonsweater (unisex)Blue / Grey / White€ 33,00

You can order the sportswear via this site from Simply colors: Rabo Fitness sportkleding bestellen | Simply colors



Each year from September until June an internal Futsal (zaalvoetbal)-competition is held between teams of Rabobank Nederland. The matches are played at Nieuw Welgelegen (near the Rabo Towers at Croeselaan in Utrecht). The matches are on Mondays from 17:30 pm to 18:30 pm and Thursdays from 18:00 pm to 19:00 pm (a team plays one game per month on average). 

Questions or interested to join with a team? Send an e-mail to zaalvoetbal@rabobank.nl before the start of the competition! 

You need a team-outfit and a “plofbal” (futsal-ball) and each player must wear non marking indoor football-shoes. Each team needs at least 7 players who are member of the “personeelsvereniging”, better to have more to be sure there are enough player to play each match. Last year’s contribution was € 275,00 (for at least 7 players all members of the PV; € 25.00 extra per player if they are not a member).


Wim Wijsman
Wim Wijsman Sectie bestuurder